
THE CHAELI SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB: Celebrating 13 years of inclusion through sports!

CSRC dancers became double world champions in Ballroom and Latin American in their respective categories at the Holland Dans Spektakel in 2015: Mukhtar Lee/Chantell le Roux (Amateur Class 2) and Damian Michaels/Chaeli Mycroft (Amateur Class 1). THE CHAELI SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB: Celebrating 13 years of inclusion through sports! April 2023 Changing the lives of[…]


Team Beastie (Chaeli, Chantal, Daleen, Gerhard)finish Comrades 2022 in 11:10:57 Comrades 2022 by Nikki Kemp August 2022 Chaeli is not afraid to challenge perceptions and go against the perceived norm; she is also no stranger to finding herself in the history books. In 2016, she became the first wheelchair athlete to finish the Comrades and[…]

taking a tumble …

taking a tumble … June 2022 Follow on Instagram: @zeldagroblermycroft Follow on Twitter: @MadMomZelda Rwanda, country of a thousand hills, is beautiful. Chaeli was invited to speak at the 2022 Commonwealth Youth Summit (ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) in Kigali. The first takeaway is how wonderfully hospitable Rwandans are and the second[…]

Chaeli Mycroft

Follow on Instagram: @ChaeliMycroft Follow on Twitter: @Chaeli_Ability Unapologetically Able: Chaeli’s Debut Book by Kirsten Steenkamp December 2021 While international awards line the entrance hallway of The Chaeli Campaign headquarters in Cape Town, there is a young woman who comes into work every day – ready to take on global policies and significant happenings with[…]

Amy Sheldon

Finding growth in feared waters: The expanding mindset of a Masters’ graduate and now, adaptive surfer by Kirsten Steenkamp July 2021 The world celebrated Mandela Day on 18 July, a United Nations-sanctioned awareness day that honours the community hero and former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Mandela humanised enemies by offering a blueprint for[…]

Anita Engelbrecht and inclusion in the Comrades

A special entry into the sporting world: creating a legacy of an inclusive Comrades by Kirsten Steenkamp

Known as the Ultimate Human Race, the gruelling Comrades Marathon has taken place every year since 1921, taking its only break during World War 2. Now, as the Covid-19 pandemic causes disruption of the in-person race for the second year in a row, The Chaeli Campaign acknowledges an athlete that is deserving of public attention: Anita Engelbrecht.[…]

Disability Organisation Driver – Fizel Abrahams

Fizel and the CSRC dancers, ready for action, and always up for fun! The Unique Space Two Cultures Connect: Dialogue with A Disability Organisation Driver by Kirsten Steenkamp May 2021 The development and harmonious living of humankind relies on diversity. Our strength rests in collaborating with those who are different to us, learning unique perspectives[…]

Kudzai Marozwa

The New Beginnings of a Silenced Soul: Nonverbal, but Alive Inside by Kirsten Steenkamp April 2021 16 April is an unusual celebration, it is World Day of Voice. Before you read on, try to reflect on the last time you were grateful for your voice. Have you ever, honestly, thought about its enormous role in[…]

Sibongile Chanengeta on a parent’s journey

Sibongile, Never and Leona visitingThe Chaeli Campaign in 2006 Leona enjoying being back in school! Prepared by God’s hands to serve and protect: A Parent’s Journey by Kirsten Steenkamp January 2021 Entering a new year is usually the time that we think back on the months passed. Deep reflections on our challenges and successes will[…]

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