Community Support

RUNNING THE EXTRA MILE: Tim and Carmin’s Journey with Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club

Tim and Carmin running Bay 2 Bay RUNNING THE EXTRA MILE: Tim and Carmin’s Journey with Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club by Tim Cubitt & Carmin Burton February 2024 We are thrilled to be part of the incredible Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club (CSRC) and to run in support of the Chaeli Campaign’s remarkable work[…]

THE CHAELI SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB: Celebrating 13 years of inclusion through sports!

CSRC dancers became double world champions in Ballroom and Latin American in their respective categories at the Holland Dans Spektakel in 2015: Mukhtar Lee/Chantell le Roux (Amateur Class 2) and Damian Michaels/Chaeli Mycroft (Amateur Class 1). THE CHAELI SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB: Celebrating 13 years of inclusion through sports! April 2023 Changing the lives of[…]

Chaeli Mycroft

Follow on Instagram: @ChaeliMycroft Follow on Twitter: @Chaeli_Ability Unapologetically Able: Chaeli’s Debut Book by Kirsten Steenkamp December 2021 While international awards line the entrance hallway of The Chaeli Campaign headquarters in Cape Town, there is a young woman who comes into work every day – ready to take on global policies and significant happenings with[…]

Bukiwe and her Masi moms

Finding hope in each other – the healing power of community & belonging by Kirsten Steenkamp November 2021 One would have imagined that South Africa’s robust constitution would’ve elevated the needs of this vulnerable population, but disabled individuals are profoundly marginalised across the spectrum of human rights. 3 November marks the beginning of Disability Rights[…]

Nicky Abdinor

Website: Follow on Facebook: Nicky Abdinor – Inspirational Speaker The Driving Philosophy of a Unique Clinical Psychologist – An Inspiring Framework to Overcome the Hidden Disabilities We Each Face by Kirsten Steenkamp October 2021 October is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s not typically an occasion that receives household recognition, but it is here. And the message is clear: It’s[…]

Akhanya Nombila

One Ambassador’s Mission to Inspire Peace and Self-Acceptance by Kirsten Steenkamp September 2021 21 September is the International Day of Peace – a worldwide recognition of the importance of peace for repairing conflict, community building and nurturing forgiveness. To individuals who perpetuate prejudice, discrimination and violence, peace may be an intangible and abstract concept. But[…]

17 Highlights For 17 Years!

A Shared Vision for Inclusion: Looking Back at Some Memorable Moments Various staff contributions compiled by Kirsten Steenkamp August 2021 With our global ambassador and co-founder, Chaeli Mycroft, The Chaeli Campaign family has cultivated a mindset that disability gives people the opportunity to do things differently. For our ability activism and the community footprint we[…]

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