

Supporting Inclusion in the Classroom:

A series of lessons has been created for Primary School educators and learners. Each lesson comprises three parts to be presented consecutively to provide continuity as they form a unit around a specific theme. Each lesson takes about an hour to present. Sometimes extra time may be allocated to complete the activities (e.g.  posters.)

The following lesson plans are available for download. Please click on the applicable link:
JOURNAL CLUB: practice-based research workshops

The Journal Club is a quarterly accredited in-house workshop including therapists, teachers, community workers; literature review led by different person each session; focus on particular Chaeli project; builds knowledge, understanding, capacity in all as cross discipline dialogue/study provides many different unique perspectives.

Result: publishing of peer-reviewed practice-based research papers (Chaeli Campaign case studies/projects – see links below) and provides CPD points for therapists:

Practice-based Research Article Links:

Our latest article published in the AFRICAN JOURNEY OF DISABILITY

1.) Luger, R., Prudhomme, D., Bullen, A., Pitt, C. & Geiger, M. (2012). A journey towards inclusive education; a case study from a ‘township’ in South Africa. African Journal of Disability. Art. #15, 5 pages.

2.) Pitt, C., Luger, R., Bullen, A., Phillips, D. & M. Geiger. 2013. Parents as partners: building collaborations to support the development of school-readiness skills in under-resourced communities. South African Journal of Education. 33(4) Art. #774, 14

3) © 2018 Ann Bullen, Rosemary Luger, Debbie Prudhomme, Martha Geiger: ‘Simple ideas that work: Celebrating development in persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities’. African Journal of Disability | Vol 7 | a273 | DOI

Available at the following link:  

Manuscript will now form part of this open access publication and content will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.


CECD  / PSPPD EU Research Report:  “Effective early childhood development programme options meeting the needs of young South African children”.

2017: CECD / PSPPD European Union Research Report: “Effective early childhood development programme options meeting the needs of young South African children”.

The Chaeli Campaign is one of 8 Best Practice ECD Model case studies in South Africa – and the only case study representing inclusive ECD.

CECD  / PSPPD EU Research Report:  “Effective early childhood development programme options meeting the needs of young South African children”.

High Res link Posted March 2017:

Low Res link:

Promoting Models of Good Practice (PMGP) Project videos & transcripts:

Home Activities for Children & Parents

Fine motor development

Perceptual skills

Concentration and memory

Communication and social skills

Early Childhood Development Infographic

Early Childhood Development Chart

Occupational Therapy

Speech Therapy


ECD Craft Ideas

Lockdown Activities – April 2020

Lockdown Activities – May 2020

Lockdown Activities – June 2020

Interdisciplinary Team Activity

Uyolo ne Mfundo Activity Book 1

Uyolo ne Mfundo Activity Book 2

Uyolo ne Mfundo Activity Book 3

Uyolo ne Mfundo Activity Book 2

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