Welcome to the family!

The Chaeli Campaign Staff ‘Family’ : 2021


Building Relationships and Growing Community

by Rosemary Luger

May 2022

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 15 May of every year shall be observed as the International Day of Families. The day reflects the importance that the international community attaches to families as basic units of society as well as its concern regarding their situation around the world.

The roots of The Chaeli Campaign are to be found in the Mycroft and Terry families and as they and so many others will attest, once you have been welcomed into The Chaeli Campaign family, meaningful relationships are likely to develop and endure. If you visit our headquarters at 16 Culm Road, Plumstead, you won’t have to wait long to hear Zelda, the CEO, say “Welcome to the Family”. At Chaeli Cottage, our inclusive preschool at 18 Culm Road, there is a special family-like bond between the staff, children and parents. And in the many diverse communities where we work, our focus on parent support groups, parent workshops and home visits speak to the value we place on families and the important role they play in nurturing children, especially children with disabilities.

At The Chaeli Campaign we wholeheartedly support the importance of families and wish to acknowledge the many amazing families we have interacted with since 2004. We think especially of the families we met in our early days when their disabled children were young and with whom we have journeyed into their adult years. We appreciate the families who have sent both their disabled and non-disabled young children to Chaeli Cottage Preschool due to their shared belief that inclusive preschools are valuable for all children. We also salute the many single parents, grandparents and foster parents who create families for the children with disabilities in their care.  

The success and efficacy of all our programmes is centred round relationship-building being at the heart of every activity. In this spirit the Chaeli Campaign staff embraces its identity as the CC Family!

As we celebrate International Day of Families, let us recommit to investing in families of all shapes and sizes. Happy International Day of Families!  


The Chaeli Campaign Social Media Links
Instagram: @ChaeliCampaign
Twitter: @ChaeliCampaign
Facebook: The Chaeli Campaign
Chaeli Sports & Recreation Club Facebook: Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club

Welcome to the family!
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