For kids like chaeli
Growing ability-focused, inclusive communities
Mobilising the minds and bodies of children with disabilities
for kids like chaeli
Growing ability-focused, inclusive communities
Mobilising the minds and bodies of children with disabilities

The Chaeli Campaign is a social justice foundation changing society’s views on the capabilities and role of children with disabilities in South Africa and around the world.
It is our privilege to invite all community members to focus on the ability and potential of children, youth and adults with disabilities as they engage in joint projects and in this way share their lives.
A physical/intellectual impairment is often self-evident and can therefore be dealt with. Disability is created by the way in which society responds to an impairment. This implies that disability is a behaviour and an attitude. In order for inclusion to become a reality it is helpful to focus on the ability, possibility and inclusion of all community members – irrespective of ability – for the benefit of the entire community. True inclusion cannot be learnt – it needs to be lived.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu endorses The Chaeli Campaign

Event Focus

Chaeli Cottage Pre-School

Chaeli Cottage Preschool Photo Gallery 2022
Chaeli Campaign Preschool 2020

Visit the National Lotteries Commission website to find out about other projects supported by the NLC:

Our grateful appreciation to the many individuals, trust funds and corporates for partnering The Chaeli Campaign in providing essential services to children with disabilities and their families. Together we are changing perceptions of ability and the central role children with disabilities play in their families. A special word of thanks to our pledge partners who sustain the ongoing work of The Chaeli Campaign to grow inclusive communities. Your partnership is of inestimable value.